This Is The Way: Learning The Things That Matter and Things That Don't Learn how to shape Your Way by paying attention to what truly matters (and letting go of the rest!).
The Gifts You Don't Know You're Giving You can't know how others will react to the things you share, but the gift is in the sharing of YOU.
What I Learned After a Year of Publishing The Every Intention Newsletter Every Week A year after launch, here are some of my reflections on doing what I love while weathering the ups and downs of life.
Taking Back "Lifestyle Business" There are a million ways to build a business and be an entrepreneur. Don't let others define what it means for you.
Another Hard Loss and Using The Tools of Resilience When Life Happens A reminder that all the reflection, self-care, and intentional time management are in service of building resilience.
A New Phase of Life and the Gifts of Time Some reflections on the bittersweet nature of getting older.
A Slight Change of Plans, an Entirely Different Direction, and Coming Full Circle Life is complicated and often messy, but there are opportunities to find our way back to pieces of old dreams or discover new ones we hadn't even considered.