11 Ideas To Shift How You Think About Productivity These are the concepts I share over and over again with my clients to help them reframe how they think about what it means to be productive.
Debunking The False Promises of Productivity Learn some mental shifts to prioritize what matters and encourage actual change.
The Pursuit of Calm Some reflection on being enough, striving, and discovering what it means to live a calm life.
4 Productivity Tools I Use Everyday Though there is no tool or tactic that will get your life "under control", these are my favourites to help support an intentional life.
How to Stay Motivated After The Shine Of The New Year Wears Off It's easy to feel motivated to set and work towards your goals at the beginning of the new year, but it gets harder and harder as the days pass. Learn some ways to keep that motivation throughout the year!
How to Have More Effective Meetings - Part 2: Process and Product Once you know your Purpose and People, you can nail down how you will run the meeting (Process) and what you will produce from it (Product)!
How to Have More Effective Meetings - Part 1: Purpose and People First things first, for your meetings to be effective you need to know why you are meeting and who needs to be there!