A Look Back On Some Old Favourites

Programming note: I’m going on vacation, so I won’t be publishing for a few weeks. I will be back in your inbox in July!

I leave on my big trip today!

I will be away for a few weeks, celebrating turning the big 4-0 and enjoying a nice break.

For this week’s article, I thought I would do a small round-up of some of my favourite posts from the past few years. I figured they were ones my new subscribers probably haven’t seen and that my long-time subscribers could use a refresher on!

These are past articles I revisit every once in a while to gain some perspective and reflect on what I’ve learned since I wrote them. 

1. How to Happygolf Your Life 

This one is an oldie from 2017. I was definitely a lot more liberal in my use of memes but it’s an important one for gaining a bit of perspective. I share the story of how my husband found out he had cancer, how he handled the ensuing 13 months of treatment, and my experience as his partner.

My perspective has changed a bit over the years since I wrote that; I still like the idea of Happygolf, with the asterisk that it’s important to feel your feelings, give yourself time and space to have negative emotions and grieve the hard things. I never want to be someone who pushes toxic positivity but instead advocates for controlling what you can control. Mostly, what you can control is you. 

The biggest takeaway from that time, and Dana, is this:

“You have the greatest impact on your own experience.”

Check out the article and see what you think.

2. 7 Questions to Help You Prepare for a Big Change

I wrote this one shortly after the frenzy of my first writing retreat, a few days after I decided to go full-time on my consulting business back in 2021. I drove seven hours to Fernie, BC, and spent five days in a friend's cabin, manically writing a strategic plan. I organically worked through these seven questions as I prepared for my own big change.

These questions are helpful to revisit, even if a big change is not on the horizon, just to check in with yourself. I like to return to this article when I need a reminder of a time when I was brave and did something that felt hard.

If you have a big change coming, I encourage you to take some time to work through these questions. You might be surprised at what you discover about yourself. 

3. How To Redefine What It Means To Waste Time

As a productivity consultant, helping people reduce “wasted time” is almost always a goal. The key to achieving that goal is to get clarity on what wasting time really means.

When I wrote this one, I was deep in grief after my beloved cat Penny had passed away suddenly. As usual, it was a perspective giver on the things that matter and the things that don’t.

I like this article because it’s a good reminder to take a step back and evaluate how you think about “productive time” versus “wasted time.” In a world that tells us over and over again to optimize every moment, I like to remember the moments that have nothing to do with anything but the things I enjoy and the people (or creatures!) I love.

For those of you who have a hard time relaxing or taking down time because it feels wasteful, take a read and let me know what you think.

I miss this girl every day. No time with my kitties is ever wasted.

4. Getting Through The Things You Dread

I open this article with a story about getting a brain MRI. This one has stuck with me because I remember lying in the MRI machine so clearly and thinking about what I would write about it. MRIs used to be something I dreaded, but after going through it so many times, it’s become a regular part of my life.

I wanted to share this one with you since it’s a good example of something that is often scary and uncomfortable and how even those things can be made a little easier with time and experience. 

5. The Gifts You Don't Know You're Giving

When I’m unsure about my work or if my words are worth publishing every few weeks, this is a post I like to return to. My friend Karen shared her perspective on the evolution of our working relationship and friendship and how a simple check-in text from me at a tough time changed her life.

This article never fails to push me to reach out to people I haven’t connected with in a while or touch base with someone I know is going through a challenge. It’s a reminder that the simple act of making a connection, no matter how small, can make a difference for someone.

Send off that check-in text!

My Winetrepreneur group (missing Alison!). Five of the greatest gifts in my life (Karen is second from the left).

6. The Silver Linings of Hard Things

I wrote this one last spring, a little over a year ago. It’s about my brother being in intensive care for nearly a month and how, even during a terrible, terrifying time, there were still silver linings. I got a lot of emails and messages after I published it, as other people were inspired to reach out to their siblings and people they cared about.

I recently revised the story part of the article for a writing mentorship session I participated in. As always, when I revisit things I’ve written in the past, it’s interesting to read the words and think back on the memories with even more distance and experience.

Give your siblings (parents, grandparents, or friends) a call; I will, too. 😉

This ended up being a little trip down memory lane for some significant events in my life. I hope the reflections in these articles connected with you in some way or you found a nugget. 

I’m off for a few weeks to make some new memories, and I hope to have some new stories to share with you when I get back!